Tuesday, May 29, 2012

B is almost 6 months

Can you believe that B is almost 6 months old?! Where did the time go? He is such a happy baby who loves to give his mommy sugar and play in his exersaucer. He has super strong hands. In fact, if it is within reach, it's his! I think it's his curious nature. B has rolled over from back to tummy now but we haven't crawled anywhere. He loves to stand (assisted of course). And let me tell you, he is finding his voice. Making silly noises and laughing is our favorite pastime. So far, solids have been a big hit! His fave are sweet potatoes but he isn't picky by any means. Our menu consists of sweet potatoes, peas, beans, apples, bananas, peaches, squash, and Frosties from Wendy's!
Mommy is still nursing but may taper off soon. I am still working through the summer but thinking about staying home and raising my little family for a while. It's tough work getting up for nighttime feedings and still rising early for work. Sleeping Beauty needs her rest and so does this gal! B sleeps through the night but occasionally wakes once or twice. I can say that it feels great getting a full night of sleep although I usually wake up anyway...mommy misses her boy now that he's in his own room. Bittersweet, I suppose... ;) Ps: diapers after solid food are no joke!!! Ugh

Monday, April 2, 2012

Working Girl

I had a job interview recently with a Christian preschool to sub for a lady that will be on maternity leave starting in May.  Well, she was put on bedrest and I am now teaching 4 year olds at Aldersgate Weekday.  There is a possibility of it becoming permanent, but I'm still searching for a teaching position in our public elementary schools.  The best part is that B gets to go with me everyday.  I find it important for his social development and I LOVE that even the nursery attends chapel every morning.  If nothing else, I'm glad B was given such a precious spot at Aldersgate.

I love the ladies that I work with and my students are very sweet.  The only downside for me is that I wasn't quite ready to go back to work.  My time with B is so precious to me and I wasn't prepped for the phone call two weeks ago that they needed me earlier than expected.  Also, we went to Disney World a couple of weeks ago for Spring Break and B's routine got super crazy with the time change.  So my first week of work was rough due to lack of sleep.  We think he's back on track now (fingers crossed).  I will post more about our trip soon!

Friday, February 3, 2012

8 Weeks Later...

So two months have come and gone. I have recovered from my surgery and so happy that I can move around again. Simple everyday pleasures such as showering were a huge feat for me. Feedings every two hours were rough on me during my recovery because I needed my sleep but had this new little person depending on me to take care of him.

Anyways, B is getting so big and weighs a little over 11 lbs. We have our two month check-up next week and I am super nervous about the shots. I think they hurt me more than they hurt him.


Bennett isn't sleeping through the night just yet, but he only gets up once between 1-2am and then again around 5-6. There are still nights where he gets up more than once but they are few and far between. We are getting sooo close to sleeping all night (can't wait). He has just started smiling and laughing some, usually in the mornings. It's the cutest thing I've ever seen but you be the judge.

As for being a mommy, I am starting to settle into the title. I was a teensy bit nervous with him in the beginning. I was the gal that found it uncomfortable to hold newborns, lol. Funny how they aren't nearly as fragile as they appear. My bee is very strong though and holds his head up very well for being 8 weeks.
Sorry for my lack of blogging but I hope to be posting more regularly now that I'm healed and getting into the swing of things.
Ps: I dislike nursing! I sooo can't wait to be done with this stage but I know it's best for B.