Friday, July 29, 2011


So I finally wrapped up my last and final day of class on Wednesday.  It was very bittersweet for me because I met a lot of great gals and became really close with them during my time at AUM.  So for now, I am looking back on my fond memories and looking ahead, dreaming of the adventures that await.  I can tell you that I spent yesterday catching up on laundry and getting a mani/pedi (thanks from my mentor teacher from internship).  We got the carpets cleaned this morning and I decluttered the I am BORED!  Russ wants me to relax and take it easy, enjoy my time off (sigh)...

There was a time when I would've loved being a SAHM (stay at home mom), but working for so long really puts a cramp in this plan, ha.  I can tell you that I will be working at the Early Childhood Center some starting in August plus some substituting at my surrounding schools.  I need the interaction plus work on getting my foot in the door in case I start working next year. 

Anyways, I graduate this Saturday!!!  My whole family is coming down and taking part.  We will be celebrating with lunch afterwards, and I cannot wait to see everybody.  My only hope is that I do not get overly emotional during the ceremony (that's how this preggo rolls these days).


  1. Congrats on your graduation!! I am so very proud of you!!

  2. Thank you! It feels weird not having to prep for next semester. :)
