Mom and Mimi came down yesterday and we set our minds to shopping. Our goal was primarily for a dual purpose pack 'n play. The one I liked at Target was out of stock but we found a comparable one at Babies 'R Us. I was even treated to a few nightgowns since my enlarged self no longer fits into pj pants. ha
And did I not say that I had no intention of starting a theme for my nursery?! I was afraid that people would start giving me too many turtle items and it has happened. Who, might you be wondering, is purchasing all of the turtle motif imaginable? The person I was most afraid of doing so...ME! Now my pack 'n play has a turtle mobile that attaches to the bassinet. Actually, it's merely happenstance that it has a turtle mobile...I picked this

particular one b/c it seemed gender neutral so that I may reuse if we are blessed with more 'chillrens' in the future. But now I see turtles everywhere I go. Coincidentally, our ultrasound tech even calls his peepee a "turtle." Do you see it??? lol
We had another ultrasound to check on my placenta status and it is still previated. The doc is optimistic that it will correct itself, however, the ultrasound tech said that it would've moved some by now. This all means that signs p

oint to a c-section some time in early-mid December. On a positive note, we get more ultrasounds and a scheduled birth! Hope you enjoy the new pics of Bennett!!!
Bennett gives "turtles" a whole new meaning... :)